My Personal Narrative

African Safari Adventure

“Vroom” The sound of the engine roared through the air. All over you were able to hear the noises of the great animals that walked around us. The roaring of the mighty lions, the chirping of the magnificent birds, and the laughing of the hyenas. I jumbled around in the seat of the car. I was so happy I could SCREAM! We had just started our adventure on the African Safari.

Dad was taking pictures with his camera when a huge male lion walked by. “Snap!” Dad had just took his first picture of the day and trip. Mom was enjoying herself too, although it was extremely hot. Mom dreads the heat but I love it. My mom’s rosy cheeks were getting even redder while Dad and I were secretly laughing. ‘‘Hey knock that off.” Mom said in between breaths. “Ya knock that off.” Dad replied accusing me only and winking at me. I winked back.

Mom was happy and excited but had a little hard time enjoying it in this heat. Dad and I decided to give her a break and head to our hotel room. While mom was cooling off, Dad and I decided to take another trip out.

We told jokes, funny ones most of them being animal jokes. I laughed so hard I almost fell out of the truck. Good thing I was wearing a seatbelt! The safari was so bumpy you couldn’t even drink your water without bobbing around like a duck and spilling it all over you and the rusty, old truck. On our little “run away” we saw, lions, elephants, giraffes, and zebras. Dad got some really good pictures with his camera and when we got back to the hotel we were still laughing.

We laid the pictures out on the bed for all of us to look over. Mom got jealous and grumbled,” Why couldn’t I go too?” Dad and I turned and replied,”You would’ve gotten heat stroke and anyways you were about knocked out when we left.” After that was all over we admired the pictures and told mom about all the animals we saw.

It was starting to get dark and that’s when the lions liked to hunt so dad and I got into the brown, dirt covered, truck and drove off with our big spotlights. If we are lucky, dad said we might see a lion pride hunting. We were sitting out in the truck when all of a sudden we heard a BANG! Our very first thought was hunters but when we shone our lights around, there were no hunters………….

Our eyes widened, we climbed to the back of the truck and hid. Deep, low, growls came from the male lion on the hood then another growl, it was from behind us! It was what seemed to be the lion’s brother. The lions circled us. There was nowhere to escape the mighty lions. I cried. Finally my dad climbed to the front and grabbed his phone. He dialed the park rangers for help and they came quickly. The park rangers chased them off by waving fire torches, causing them to run the other way. They said they were most likely just curious. We thanked them.

We headed back to the hotel and drowsily went to bed. The next morning we awoke to the sounds of animals awakening. “Squawk” A bird flew over our heads. I ducked thinking it was going to hit me even though it wasn’t anywhere close. We all ran in to go and put on sunblock, and when we all came out it felt like it was about 100 degrees fahrenheit outside. This time my mom wore a hat, had a cool rag, and about a gallon of water. We jumped into the truck, and drove off .

My dad, again, took a whole bunch of pictures, each as cool as the first. Then something happened. The truck ran out of fuel! My dad was MAD! All our phones we’re dead because we forgot to charge them, so no one could call for help. I told my dad it was alright and he yelled. I yelled back. Mom started getting mad too because of dad and ran her hands through her short soft brown and blonde highlighted hair. My face started getting as red as a tomato. I had enough! While my parents were arguing I ran off.

I ran across the bumpy, dusty, brown dirt, around the few trees, and jumped over the little rocks and around the big ones. Finally I ran out of breath and sat down on a giant rock to rest. I was exhausted from all that tiresome running. I took a big gulp of water. That’s when I heard something. The chirping of a lost lion cub looking for its mother. I slowly walked over and saw it. I decided to wait just in case its mother was around.

I waited and waited and waited, no mother lion or pride was around. I wondered why the cub was this far away from other lions. I knew I had to keep on moving so I had decided to follow the cub. It wouldn’t move. I waited a little longer but when I couldn’t wait anymore, I took a stick and slowly, and gently, moved the cub across the dirt. I talked to the cub softly, and said, “It’ll be alright don’t worry.” It had been 6 hours since I had left. My mom and dad had to be looking for me. That’s when I heard the horrible laughing of the hyenas! I rushed the cub and we hid behind a tree and rock. They passed fairly quick. Then I realized it was the park rangers and my parents that had spooked them! They were on my trail I had made to remember my way. “Uh oh” I thought.

I stayed quiet hushing the frightened cub. But then he “chirped” and we were caught. My parents sent the rangers away, not noticing the cub. They put me in the truck making me leave the poor animal. That’s when dad said,” You had us worried sick.” “I’m sorry I replied, “but,” mom interrupted me,”no buts” That’s when I saw it, the most likely mother of the cub, laying in the road. My dad slammed on the brakes causing us to jerk in our seats. “That’s what” I said “We have to go back and get the cub!” “Cub!?” They shouted, whipped around, and drove back and picked up the cub, then drove to the rangers. We gave them the cub and told them about the lion. They thanked us and went after the lion. They thought by the looks of it, she was the young lion’s mother. They took her out of the road. After that, Mom, Dad, and I, talked before heading back to the campsite and hotel to pack up.

“Don’t think I’m not mad at you for running away.” Dad grumbled.

I replied, “I know dad.”

Mom added,” Yes but we are proud of you for helping that poor cub.”

Dad cheered up and said,” So, did everyone have fun?”

Mom and I quietly shouted,”YEAH!”

Dad pretended to playfully cover his ears and said.”Good I’m happy we all enjoyed it.”

We all smiled and roasted gooey, and warm marshmallows over the nice, warm, orange and red flames of our camp fire. We laughed and everyone told jokes to make the mood even greater. Finally, and sadly, we had to head back to the hotel to finish packing our stuff. When we were done we headed back home playing loud music all the way there. That was the time I went on an adventure in the African Safari.

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