Robert Lee Frost “The best way out is always through.”

Robert Lee Frost once quoted “The best way out is always through,” after group discussion we thought the qoute means that instead of giving up on something, you should go through with it and finish it. We also thought it meant his life wasn’t easy but if he can do it, anyone can. After a while of researching I found other ideas of what the qoute meant. I also decided to add, when you are having trouble with something new you’re learning such as math, it’s better to go through with it rather than give up. I also found one idea that states, that the best way to do something difficult is to not give up, and instead you should go through with it.

1st quote: Jones, T. Marc. “The meaning behind the words.” Empower network.’s-why-the-best-way-out-is-alw sept. 20,2016.

3rd quote: “The best way out is always through, who said it and what did they mean?” Yahoo answers Sept. 20 2016.

Old Faithful Geyser


The old faithful geyser is one of the most famous geysers. It is located in yellow stone national park. Recently I learned that all the geysers at Yellow stone, were created by the eruption of the supervolcano  two million years ago. Old Faithful erupts  about every  hour. I just watched the old faithful geyser  erupt and it was very cool. Around the geyser there is no plant or animal life. In winter there is also no snow around the geyser, due to the hot, steaming water that erupts  from it. Old Faithful can erupt from 100 feet to 200 feet in the air! It shoots Thousands of gallons of boiling, hot water into  the air. In my opinion, I would like to see the Old Faithful geyser erupt in real life one day. These were just a few facts about geysers and Old Faithful.

“Sometimes the Questons are complicated and the Answers are Simple”

Our group discussed what we thought the quote meant. We thought “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers simple” meant, Dr. Seuss was taking about the rhymes in his book. We also thought that it means sometimes questions can be hard although the answers are easy. As I researched I found this great sight I thought had some really good information. As one person said, “We know what the problem is but we don’t know the solution.” Another person that posted on that website also said this, “This quote addresses mans’ never ending quest.”

Sources used:

“We know what the problem is but we didn’t know the solution”: Littleteacher8. “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” enotes. 14 Sept. 2016

“This quote addresses mans never ending quest”: Lente, Kristen “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” enotes. 14 Sept. 2016

What Did Walt Disney Mean?

Walt Disney once said in a quote “Its kind of fun to do the impossible.” He had built what was thought to be the impossible and had fun doing it too. For example people thought it was impossible for roller coasters to be built and work. I’ve gathered the following on what people/myself think it means: Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it, or what may seem impossible to you may not be impossible to me.


“Yahoo answers.” “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” Www. 9 Sep. 2016.

The Adventures of Angel and Isabel

“Hi I’m Isabel,” she introduces, “And I’m Angel!” Angel inturrupets. “I’m Lydia Angel and Isabel are my brother and sister (we’re triplets), and today we are at the zoo.” I explained. “Even though I would rather be at the amusement park,” grumbles Angel. ” I love it here they have lions, tigers, birds, wolves, seals and more!” Says Isabel in excitement. Mom grabs our hands with Dad on the other side. “Kids it’s time for the tiger show lets go.” When we arrive and take our seats, Angel sneaks out of the crowd. “Lydia where’s Angel?” Isabel whispers to me. “I don’t know” Isbel sneaks out threw the crowd and I whisper, “Where are you going?” “To find Angel.” She replies. Twins I think and countinue enjoying the show.”

When I find angel I yell “Hey get back here!” He runs to me and tells me to be quiet. “Let’s go I know the way to an amusement park.” “Amusement park?!” I yell with excitement. “Yes now shush!” He says. “Ok let’s go.” I say “Good come on.” He replies.

Me and Isabel run off to the amusement park out of town after hailing a cab. She talks all the way there to me. When we arrived, I payed the driver and told her “Isabel we’re here!” I was excited. We rode all the rides and talked to each other about how great this is. “Thanks for letting me tag along” says Isabel. “Hey, you’re my sister no problem.” They continue to ride the rides and play the games, forgetting their parents would be looking for them.

It’s been hours better tell Mom and Dad, I think to myself. “Mom,” I say, “Dad Isabel and Angel ran off” They whip around and look to each other and say,”uh oh” They try calling but no answer so I do too but no answer. Then they remembered Angel wanted to go to the amusement park, and ask all the taxi drivers if they’ve seen them. Every time no,no,no,no. I shook my head.

When we were about to go to the police station, something good happened. I turned to Tom (Dad) and smiled at him. “Let’s go.” I said. We told the driver of the taxi to take us to the amusement park. “Come Lydia.” I said opening the door and then closing it.

“How dare those kids run off.” I mumble at myself. Lydia says,”Dad, after can we stay and ride some rides?” I replied,” You know what yes your a good kid no reason for you to be punished too.” Lydia smiled and hugged me and mom saying,”Thanks Dad your the best!” Me and mom smiled.

The driver came to a stop, mom payed him, said thanks, and we got out. I was amazed at all the fun rides. I asked Dad if we could ride them already and he said,”We have to find your brother and sister first.” “Great.” I mumbled. I thought I saw them but by the time I got Mom and Dad’s attention they were gone. I dragged them the way they went. Turns out it wasn’t them at all. Oops. Mom and Dad were mad.

When we got off one of the rides I saw Mom, Dad, and Lydia. “Uh oh.” I said worryingly to Isabel. We stared at each other. “We should turn ourselves in.” I said and tugged her. She resisted but then allowed me to.

When we found them I was sad because we were grounded for 2 weeks! Dad lectured us, while Lydia and mom rode the rides! That’s what really stung. We didn’t even get Candy, tv, or soda! can u believe it, for 2 weeks!?!? Well that was our adventure.