Heat Wave

As Sydney walked down the streets of Floridia in the early years of 3030, she silently observed the world changing in front of her. She knew something was coming but she didn’t know what. For example the heat was slightly increasing and animals began to act out. Not only was this unsettling for Sydney but it was also very stressing for her considering no one would bother to listen. Every time sydeney tried to speak out about this people just rolled their eyes, sighed and thought she was insane. Finally after enough hating on her and feeling stupid, Sydney decided to just forget it even though she was still curious about her assumptions and knew she shouldn’t forget them. Life went on but everyday she continued to stress.
“Daphne, do you ever even wonder-”
“Ugh really Sydney back to this nonsense again? We are all worried about you are you sure you don’t want to go to a hospital?”
“Don’t be worried about me and no I am not going to any dumb hospital!”
“Gosh calm down jus looking out for you little sis.”
“Yeah sure bye”
With that Sydney just wondered off. Even though it hurt Daphane to see her little sister like this she knew or thought what she was doing was right. However thoug if she was being honest with herself she was curious too. Thoughts swirled in her head. Should she look for Sydney? Should she give her time to herself? Should she tell her parents about their conversation? About forty-five minutes passed and still no sign of Sydney coming back. Now Daphane was worried. She tried calling about ten times but no answer. That’s when she ran downstairs saying she was just going to hang out with her friend Lacey at the pool.
Daphane was now sprinting down “Star” street. “What the heck?” She said to herself. Daphane couldn’t move her foot. That’s when she noticed she was stuck in a sticky mess. “Come on foot don’t get stuck now!” She thought to herself. When she did get her foot loose (about 15 minutes later) she continued running. That’s when she saw footprints and knew they had to be Sydney’s. she followed them and soon enough ran into sydney staring to the other side of the road. “Umm okay?” Daphane thought.
“Hey Sydney?”
Sydney didn’t saw a word she just pointed. “OMG” Daphane shouted when she saw it. A melted ice cream truck! Could weather be this hot it could melt a freaking ice cream truck!? Well I’m pretty sure this answers my question. Wow Sydney has been right all along!! Sydney and Daphane stared at the mess for quite a while until they were finally shooed away by officers. City workers took days to clean up the sticky mess. Every store and house had the 456 news on with the report in the incident. People were star struck and started paying more attention to the situation.
A few months have now passed and now people were expecting more outrageous events as the weather intensified. More and more people passed away due to the outrages heat with no protection. Citizens worried the world would soon end. More and more weird things happened such as light poles melting, cars melting, and of course more ice cream messes. Even weirder animals adapted into what people call mutatnts and rabid beasts. Sharks became more ferocious, whales attacked anything they could find,and dolphins went to friendly and playful sea creatures into dangerous and feared animals. Beaches grew deserted along with some towns. The world people once knew is now gone. Some people had hopes of a huge coldown, others had courage to help, and some were just lost and became insane. People looked into the night sky hoping to see stars or the moon but no everything was gone due to the careless ancestors of others from long ago.
The outrages heat wave continued melting more and more items such as cars, light poles, and of course, more ice cream trucks. Now it is a law that if you want to go outside you must either take a pill that protects you from the environment or wear a uncomfortable suit that sheilds you from the sun and its heat.

Do what you have time for only.

On the first day of our research we had to discuss the meaning of the quote,”You can do anything but not everything.” After our discussion we came to an agreement that this quote meant something like you can accomplish somethings but not everything is able to be accomplished in your time you are provided. After that step then came in the actual researching. Adam Dachis said something such as you can do whatever you want but the time you have is limited. Then a lady named Louise said something such as, you can only do the bits of things that you are able to in the time limit. After researching I belive this quote means that even with all the things we would like to get done, its not always possible so we should just focus on the things we can do.
Dachis,Adam. “You Can Do Anything,But Not Everything.” “Lifehacker.” Lifehacker.com/5936303/you-can-do-anything-but-not-everything. May 11,2017.

Louise. You can do anything but not everything. “Squishedblueberries.com” squishedblueberries.com May 11,2017

Edited by: Sergio a

Understand before you explain

As usual my group and I had been given time to hold a discussion on what Albert Einstein once said,” If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” After our discussion we thought it meant something like if you aren’t able to support your answer you still have more to learn about it. We then were given time to research what this quote meant to others. An anonymous person said something such as if you are able to explain clearly you are helping yourself and the other person. You help the person understand but you also help yourself because you prove to yourself you are capable of learning and understanding things.

What does Einstein’s quote “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” mean? “reddit.” HTTPS.//www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/myb8k/what_does_einstiens_. May 3, 2017.

Peer edited by: Andrea M

You can Never Stop learning.

As usual my group and I had a few minutes to hold a discussion on the following quote by George Santanya: “Even the wisest mind has yet something to learn.” After having a short discussion we came to an agreement thinking it means that no one is ever done gaining knowledge. Our next step in this assignment was to take a few days to research what other people said this quote means. To start off an annoyumous person said something such as that nobody knows everything. Another annoyoumous person said something such as if were to stop learning we would pretty much stop living. I agree with this statement because think about it this way, if we finish high school and go to college, we could get a good job and have a better life. However if we do not finish school and go to college life can be a littl bit tougher for us. So finally after research I came to a conclusion that this quote means if we stop learning than life gets tougher but if we continue to work hard and learn life can get slightly easier. So really you should never stop learning.
What’s the meaning to a quote by George Santanya? “YAHOO! ANSWERS” https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=201000127200708AA98Fil. April 25,2017.

“The wisest mind has something yet to learn” Do you agree with this thought/conclusion? “YAHOO! ANSWERS.” HTTPS://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080202183901AAzsqB7. April 26,2017

Edited by: Andrea

Knowledge Is Powerful even if you don’t show it.

Our group had a few minutes to hold a discussion on the following quote,”Have more than you show, and speak less than you know.” By William Shakespear. We came to an agreement and think it means to have more knowledge than people think but don’t revel it all. As usual we then had time to research what others think this quote means. Micheal Ugulini said something such as it is not smart top show all you know to people. Another person whom is annyomous said,”In all the advice is to keep a low profile and not call attention to yourself through your actions or speech.” This leads me to belive that sometimes it’s better to stay to yourself but always know more than your fellow classmates may think. Thank you for reading and have a fantastic Easter.

Ugulini, Micheal. What is the significance of the quote,”Have more than thou showest, speak less than thou knowest, lend less than thou owest?” “enotes” https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-significance-quote-have-more-than. April 6,2017

“Have more than thou showest,speal less thank thou knowest,lend less than thou oowest.” “What does this line from King Lear mean? “Enotes” https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/have-more-than-thou-showest-speak-less. April 6,2017

Peer edited by: Sergio A.

Believe in what you want to do.

Once again our group had a few minutes to hold a discussion on the quote,”Forget all the reasons it wont work and believe in the one reason why it will,” by a unknown author. We think this quote means to forget the past reasons and focus on what would happen if you tried in the future. Secondly we had time to research what others believe this quote means to the. One person said that fear is causing you to believe in why something won’t work and to not live in fear. Another anonymous person said something such as to forget in the reasons something wil fail because its just a waste of your time. The last person I found said such as we like to only focus on the reason it will not work and we fear it, so therefore we miss out on possibilities the future could unlock for us. So if you were to think about it this way, has there ever been something you wanted but it was too dark and you were afraid? Well because of you worrying about the dark and being afraid you missed out on whatever you wanted. So after this week I think this quote means to just do whatever you want to and don’t be afraid of something going wrong.
1: Forget all the reasons why it wont work and believe the one reason it will.-unknown. “Mindbloomtm lifegame.” Https://www.mindbloom.com/apps/inspiration/detail/quote/67b9f824-98ce-4b88-. March 28,2017.
2: prem,dr. Forget all the reasons why it wont work and believe the one reason that it will. Dr. Prem” drprem.com/life/forget-all-the-reasons-it-wont-work-and-believe-the-one-reason-. March 28,2017.
3: Admin. Forget all the reasons it wont work and believe the one reason it will. “Top Results Coaching.” Topresultscoaching.com/forget-all-the-reasons-it-wont-work-and-believe-the-one. March 29,2017

Edited by: Sergio A.

It’s good to be curious.

As every week our group had a few minutes to hold a discussion on what we think the following quote by Albert Einstein means, “The important thing is to never stop questioning.” We came to an agreement and said it means to always be curious and raise your hand if you don’t understand. We then were given time to research what others believe this quote means. One anonymous person said something such as this, never lose curiosity. Another anonymous person said something such as this, curiosity exists for a reason. This week I pushed myself to go farther and found some other anonymous people who said something such as this, you should never stop searching ad educating yourself by asking questions. The other person also said,”Questions mean answers, answers mean knowledge, knowledge is key.” I think this quote means if we ask questions we have more information if we don’t ask questions we don’t gain information.

1: The important thing is to never stop questioning. Never lose a holy curiosity. “AZ Quotes.” Www.azquotes.com/quote/2110180. March 21, 2017

2: Albert Einstein quotes. “Brian quote.” HTTPS://www.brainquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins145949.html. March 21, 2017

3:what does the quote,”the important thing is to never stop questioning?” Mean. “YAHOO! ANSWERS.” HTTPS://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110327112402AAqe9fl. March 22,2017

4: what does the quote,”the important thing is to never stop asking questions.” Mean? “YAHOO! ANSWERS.” HTTPS://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110327112402AAqe9fl. March 22,2017.

Edited by:Sergio A

Do what you want to

As usual, our group had a few minutes of discussion of the quote,”Always chase your dreams rather than running from your fears.” We then were given a few minutes to research what others believe this quote means. One person said something as don’t let the fear of failing keep you from trying what you always wanted to do. Although this quote didn’t have many results on the meaning I think, it means to never stop doing what you want b exams your afraid to fail.

1: Fear Quotes and Sayings. “CoolNsmart.com”. Www.voolnsmart.com/fear-quotes/. March 14,2017.

Black-Footed Ferrets: Rare and Need Our Help

The Black footed ferret is one of the ten thousand, seven hundred twenty-one endangered animals our planet today. I chose this particular ferret because of their level of endangerment and unique characteristics. The black footed ferret has a long, sly body and different coloration patterns to help capture their prey. The black footed ferrets habitat has some interesting charistics too. Animal’s Habitat:
Around the area the black footed ferret is native to, you can find an abundance of prairie dog burrows. Black footed ferrets like the open grasslands with grass that is short or medium length. Although Black footed ferrets eat prairie dogs, this is also where they get their homes from. As you may have guessed, prairie dogs are native to the black footed ferrets and its habitat. Although black footed ferrets are critically endangered, you may still find them in the grasslands of, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North and South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming, and parts of Canada and Mexico. Although like every wild animal, the black footed ferret has many predators, and also prey that keep it alive.

Prey and Predator:
This amazing and interesting ferret has various species of prey from its most common, prairie dogs to mice, rabbits, and gophers. They then range to their not so-common prey, hedgehogs, small mammals, possums, and other small to medium sized rodents. Unlike some animals which, eat a variety of things from vegetation to meat, the black footed ferret has only been observed eating meat making it a carnivore. The black footed ferret is also hunted for many animals such as owls, foxes, and badgers. Luckily this ferret uses it long body, big ears, big eyes, and coloration to help get away from predators. They also use these unique characteristics to help pursue and capture prey. They first use their ears to listen intensively, then they use their eyes to get a sight on their target, then finally race along the grassland, tunnels, and rocks to pounce and enjoy their meal. They also escape predators by dodging attacks with their sly abilities, use their ears to hear them coming and their eyes to keep sight on their predator. This great ferret also has some other characteristics.

Although you may have seen pictures of this rare ferret, it may be hard to see their features. These animals are nocturnal leading to it being challenging to actually get or see these animals pictures or see its features. The black footed ferret has a long, yellowish body with brown fur and black patterns on its back. The black footed ferret also has a black tipped tail, black paws, long claws for gripping the terrain of their habitat, and a black mask like pattern around their eyes. This particular ferrets ears are big and round allowing them to hear prey and predators far away. Black footed ferrets also have a white snout, forehead, and throat. They also have black noses. Being a ferret it is very small and is only eighteen to twenty four inches tall and or long. Due to the black footed ferrets height it has stubby legs. They also have sharp teeth to be able to rip through meat and flesh of their prey. Being very small, black footed ferrets only weigh fifteen to twenty-five pounds. Like cats, black footed ferrets have big eyes that shine when a light is flashed at them, mostly at night. This animals’ colorations them to blend in with the dark night or in the grasslands. Sadly, this beautiful, sly, and unique animal is on the edge of extinction.

Causes for Endangerment:
Black footed ferrets are on the route to extinction due to many human realated reasons. Things such as habitat loss due to, plowing and building and non-native disease brought by humans or other animals brought into the habitat are killing them. Loss of their main prey, prairie dogs, are slowly leading them to starvation and without homes. Approximately six hundred are alive today with only half living in the wild.

Be yourself

Our groups had a few minutes to discuss the following quote: “Everyone is perfect in unusual ways.” We think it means to not change for anyone and always be yourself. We then had a few minutes to research individually. One anonymous person said ” everyone is perfect in unusual ways. Don’t get caught up in an image of perfection, because almost no one fits that image. Accept who you are and your perfectly unusual way will come out.” Another anonymous person said something like this, everyone has a different idea of beautiful. Finally these people lead me to believe this quote means to be yourself and nothing else.

1: Daily Inspiration: everyone is perfect